Guruji Ka Treatment Pdf 36
The mechanism of action of the excimer laser, similar to the action of UVB light, induces apoptosis in keratinocytes and T lymphocytes. The absorption of 308 nm wavelength induces DNA breakage, upregulation of the tumor suppressor gene p53, and subsequent reduction of proto-oncogene Bcl-2, leading to cell cycle arrest in keratinocytes and T lymphocytes.1 This breaks the positive feedback loop and halts the psoriatic disease cycle created by the activated T lymphocytes. Furthermore, Kagen et al demonstrated that very high doses of excimer laser treatment in psoriatic lesions reduced the numbers of pathogenic memory/effector T cells infiltrating lesional epidermis and dermis.7
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In addition to plaque psoriasis, the 308 nm laser is useful in the treatment of intertriginous psoriasis as demonstrated by a few case reports.23,24 Recently, split scalp studies have shown beneficial results of the laser in treating scalp psoriasis. Resolution in these patients generally requires more treatments than non-intertriginous psoriatic lesions. For example, one study demonstrated improvement with 21 sessions.25,26
The 308 nm can also be used in the treatment of mild to moderate plaque psoriasis in children. A recent study by Pahlajani et al compares the safety and efficacy of the excimer laser for the treatment of mild to moderate plaque localized psoriasis in adults and children. On average, 12.5 (SD 2.64) treatments were needed for resolution in children, while 9.7 (SD 2.53) sessions were needed for adults. Common side effects associated with the laser were consistent with side effects seen in adult patients and included: hyperpigmentation, blistering, erosions, pain, and koebnerization.31 In general, side effects were more typical in the adult population with the most common one being erosions. Hyperpigmentation was the most common side effect in the pediatric group. Future studies pertaining to the safety of the 308 nm laser in the treatment of psoriasis will presumably include continued modification of the treatment protocol to reduce the number of treatments needed for plaque resolution, while still resulting in longer periods of plaque remission.
In a comparative study involving 13 patients with treatment refractory scalp psoriasis, the excimer laser was used for treatment in conjunction with a hair blow-dryer to help move the hair and deliver optimum laser penetration. Half of the scalp received excimer laser treatment, whereas the other half of the scalp served as a control. Over 15 weeks the difference in mean modified PASI scores between the excimer laser-treated site and the control site was statistically significant (P
In another 12-week study Levin et al treated moderate to severe psoriasis patients with twice weekly excimer treatments combined with twice daily clobetasol propionate followed by calcitriol ointment twice daily. Of the 21 patients who completed the protocol, 76% achieved at least PASI-75 by week 12. This again supports the viability of using the excimer laser in combination treatment with other treatment modalities for psoriasis.42
Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs located within the ovaries. Many girls and women develop ovarian cysts at some point, but most cysts are painless and harmless. In fact, a majority of ovarian cysts resolve themselves without treatment within a couple of months.
Some ovarian cysts can cause more serious symptoms and require treatment. For these more serious cysts, our care team at Children's Hospital Colorado will evaluate the cyst and work with a multidisciplinary team to develop the appropriate care plan.
The most common type of ovarian cyst is called a "functional cyst" because it serves a purpose in the process of normal ovulation with each menstrual cycle. A single cyst will form around a maturing egg and grow to the size of a quarter just before it pops to release its egg into the fallopian tube. Occasionally, these cysts will grow larger and persist longer, but generally they resolve on their own within 6 to 8 weeks without treatment.
Other types of cysts occur when part of the ovary grows abnormally. These types of ovarian cysts will not go away on their own. They can arise from an overgrowth of cells on the surface of the ovary, the hormone-producing cells that surround an egg or the egg cell itself. In most cases, these types of cysts are benign (meaning non-cancerous) but some features may raise concerns about cancer, which requires careful care and treatment.
Because girls and young women are still developing, treating their ovarian cysts is different than treating cysts in adults. Our board-certified pediatric and adolescent gynecologists have specialized training in the reproductive health concerns of girls and young women. We understand the complex changes that occur prior to and during puberty and can recognize both common and rare causes of ovarian cysts in girls, teens and young women. We will put both you and your daughter at ease by carefully explaining her medical condition and the various options for treatment. We also support your family through follow-up and consultation with other specialists and your primary care doctor, as needed.
In a study by Janakiramaiah et al., dysthymic patients were treated as out-patients with Sudarshan Kriya as their sole treatment. Blood analysis revealed elevation of plasma prolactin and stable cortisol after the very first SKY session. This is important since elevated plasma prolactin may be crucial in producing an effective antidepressant response. Stable cortisol levels indicate the experience of SKY is not stressful.[15] Another study revealed reduction in stress hormone levels [cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)] along with Beck Depression Inventory reductions. This may support a biological mechanism of SKY in producing beneficial effects.[16,17]
Yogic breathing can be taught to large groups in just a few days. SKY literature reported that SKY has been used to relieve stress, anxiety, insomnia, depression, and PTSD after mass disasters such as war (Kosovo, Bosnia, Iraq, and Sudan), earthquakes (Gujurat, India earthquake 2000), floods (Iran 2004),[25] terrorism (New York World Trade Center 9/11),[5] the Southeast Asia tsunami (2004),[26] and Hurricane Katrina.[25] The use of yogic techniques should be considered as an adjunctive treatment in emergency response planning. The Sudarshan Kriya may provide antidote to stress by physiologically counteracting the sympathetic effects. In a normal situation (in the absence of stress), the practice of rapid breathing interspersed with adequate pauses of slow breathing may provide tool for relaxation and vivid imagery.[27] SKY rapidly improves psychological and physiological symptoms of post-traumatic stress, including insomnia, nightmares, anxiety, depression, hyperarousal, overreactivity to triggers, re-experiencing, emotional numbing, social withdrawal, loss of appetite, and angry outbursts. Anxiety, depression, and PTSD are associated with SNS overactivity or erratic activity and PNS underactivity. Evidence suggests yoga breathing normalizes SNS activity and increases PNS tone as indicated by heart rate variability.[25]
In the Lancaster Violence Alternative Program, the adolescent subjects, who were offenders of violent crimes with deadly weapon, murder, rape, armed robbery, and terrorist threats against others were included. They all underwent SKY practice following which The Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Test (STAI) showed statistically significant reduction in State anxiety level. Participants also reported that they slept better; did not react to provocation as rapidly; did not experience as much anger; felt less fear at bed time; and generally expressed that they were more calm.[29] Considering the positive impact of SKY on various psychosocial ailments, it is assumemd that SKY can be a helpful adjunct in the treatment of phobias.[5]
It was also reported that SKY exerts remarkable therapeutic effects in treating dysthymia and unipolar diseases and it may be a more acceptable and efficacious alternative to medical management of dysthymia for both acute treatment and relapse prevention. It has the advantage of fostering the patient's autonomy and self-reliance besides cutting health care costs.[25]
In a subsequent study, significant reductions in blood glucose level, serum total cholesterol, triglycerides, plasma MDA, and lipoperoxidation were observed in type 2 diabetic patients after 4 months of regular SKY practice. The authors suggested a promising potential for SKY as a complementary treatment for patients with diabetes.[42] In a recent study, it was found that SKY practice for 3 and 6 weeks helped an engineering student to overcome examination stress (ES) by improving the lipid profile and hematological parameters.[43]
Spirometry tests in regular SKY practitioners have shown improvement in the lung function of normal healthy adults, which may have significance in serving as an adjunctive complementary treatment modality for improvement in lung function among the patients of obstructive airway disease, asthmatics in particular.[45]
SKY induces relaxation, and increases antioxidant defense and NK cells in the body. These observations have important implications for cancer, as they would suggest that (i) SKY may have a preventive role against cancer; (ii) SKY may be effective as a secondary preventive measure, after curative treatment of cancer; and (iii) in metastatic cancer, SKY may delay the progression of cancer, improve the survival and/or quality of life.[52]
The imipenem and cilastatin combination is for treatment of multiple-organism infections in which other agents do not have wide-spectrum coverage or are contraindicated due to potential for toxicity. It is used to treat pneumonia and complicated UTI for 14 days, bacteremia for 7 days, and intra-abdominal abscess for 14-21 days.
Leprosy is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae, \r\nan acid-fast, rod-shaped bacillus. The disease mainly affects the skin, \r\nthe peripheral nerves, mucosa of the upper respiratory tract, and the \r\neyes.\r\nLeprosy is curable and treatment in the early stages can prevent \r\ndisability.