Preached by Pastor Dr. Autry Williams
Isaiah 6:1-8:
Man was created for worship. To worship is to revere, to honor or to ultimately value someone or something. When something is essential, that means that it is extremely important, absolutely necessary, and vital. This sermon explains three essential aspects of worship that usher the worshippers of God into His presence.
Three Essential Aspects of Worship
The Lordship of God
The Humility of Man
The Servanthood of Worshippers
When we worship God, we not only grow in information, but we grow in a covenant relationship with our Lord.
The Lordship of God
We must acknowledge the Lordship of God daily.
To Acknowledge the Lordship of God is to:
Acknowledge His Deity
Voluntarily submit to His authority
Recognize your position in relationship to His
When you acknowledge the Lordship of God, then your worship will be a direct response to God’s goodness and His greatness.
Any person who truly desires to serve the Lord must have a clear vision of the Lordship of God.
The Humility of Man
Humility is the ability to see ourselves as God sees us. Humility fosters the worship of God while arrogance hinders the worship of God.
After King Uzziah died, Isaiah saw God, and he realized he had made a tragic mistake by placing his trust in Uzziah and praising him instead of God.
When Isaiah saw God, it was through his humility that he recognized his sinfulness and the sinfulness of the people. So he confessed his sin.
Salvation requires the humility of man to confess that we are incapable of saving ourselves and that we need God’s salvation through Jesus’ death on the cross.
The Servanthood of Worshippers
In verse 8, the Godhead spoke and said whom shall I send and who will go for us? Isaiah overheard and said Here am I, send me.
Whether in your time of reading the Bible, in prayer or in Sunday worship, always have the habit of thought that God is Lord.
Say to yourself and to God, "God, You are my Lord. You give the orders and I will respond. I won’t let the world dictate my behavior, I’ll let your Word order my steps.”
If you say and believe this, God will show himself to you and speak to you with such clarity that you will be able to identify with Isaiah’s vision. And you too will be given the opportunity to respond in service to God.