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Writer's pictureDr. Autry L. Williams

My God is Able

Updated: Mar 17, 2020

Preached by Pastor Dr. Autry Williams

Ephesians 3:20-21

20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

Have you ever wondered about the ability of anyone in your life? For instance the ability of

your father or mother. The ability of your brothers or sisters?

When it comes to ability, it just simply means, what they are able to do. Sometimes we like to

tell others about the ability of our family members or friends. We’ll tell them about how they

were able to get a particular job because of their ability, or how they play professional sports

because of their ability.

Now if we feel this way about the ability of other people, just how much more should we value God’s ability? God’s ability far exceeds anything that man could ever achieve.

So today, we’re going to discuss three 3 outlines in these two scriptures that speak about the

‘ableness’ of God.

God's Ability

  1. What is God able to do?

  2. How is God able to do it?

  3. Why is God able to do it?

What Is God Able To Do?

In verse 20, Paul noted that God is able to do two things. First, He’s able to do exceeding

abundantly more than we ask. Then secondly, He’s able to do exceeding abundantly more

than we think.

So let’s take a closer look at the first thing that Paul noted about God, which is, God is able to

do exceedingly abundantly more than we ask. When we put the words ‘exceedingly

abundantly’ together we’ll see that Paul is letting us know that God is able to go beyond the

bounds or limits of what we ask Him to do for us.

And not only that, the 2nd thing that Paul notes about God is that, He’s able to go beyond the

bounds or limits of what we think. 

Heaven is:

  • A city designed and built by God.

  • The streets are paved with gold, and there are 12 gates of pearl to the city and walls of precious jewels around the city 216’ thick.

  • The place where Christians go to spend eternity with God.

Rely On God’s Provisions

  • God will supply all of our daily needs. He gives each of us provisions, meaning, He has supplied us with our daily bread. Bread is the basic necessity of life, the symbol of all that is necessary for survival and for a full life. 

  • When we say give us our daily bread, the words ‘us and our’ overcome selfishness and show concern for others. The fact that there are people who go to bed hungry should be a concern of all Christians.  

  • The words ‘this day,’ eliminates worry and anxiety about tomorrow and future needs. They teach us to trust that God will provide our daily needs through His provisions.

God is able to bless you beyond what you can think, taking you over into his overflow blessings and giving you more than enough.

God is able to surpass, be superior or excel in regard to anything His children ask and He’s

more than adequate and over sufficient than anything we can think.

Why Is God Able To Do It

Paul said in verse 21, "Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”

In this verse Paul is letting us know the reason why God is able to do it is, to be glorified in the Church through Christ Jesus. 

The church is God’s chosen instrument through which His purposes for this earth and for eternity are accomplished.

It is in the church where people come to know Christ, grow in Christ, serve Christ, share Christ, and worship Christ.

So the answer to the 3 rd question in our outline, Why Is God Able to Do It, is, so that He may be glorified in the Church through Christ Jesus.

God will be glorified throughout all generations. That means throughout history, forever and

ever even into eternity.

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