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7th Pastor & Wife Appreciation Celebration Group

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Maverick Adams
Maverick Adams

Hartshorn - Told You So (Audio) BEST

Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., plans to introduce legislation before the end of this month "that would cover abusive passenger behavior on board flights" and against TSA officers, spokesman Chip Unruh told CNBC.

Hartshorn - Told You So (Audio)

Brady Byrnes, managing director of flight service at American, told staff: "We also recognize that alcohol can contribute to atypical behavior from customers onboard and we owe it to our crew not to potentially exacerbate what can already be a new and stressful situation for our customers."

One Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport based-American Airlines flight attendant told CNBC the increase in unruly passenger behavior has discouraged her from pressing passengers to wear masks if they refuse.

Dry distillation involves burning, much like how you obtain pearlash. But I would have thought that hartshorn would be classified as a chemical leavener not so much because of how it is produced, but how it works in your baking.

I have made a batch of cookies with the hartshorn that is readily available here and they turned out fine. I have only seen it mentioned in cookie recipies, so I think the harsh flavor that is mentioned would only come into play if you used large quantities like for a cake. If you feel that you really want to try it, I would be happy to mail you a packet, in the name of food science, if you send me your address.

You can email me the essays at That's H-A-R-T-S-H-O-R-N. I'll reply to say I've got it. If I don't reply within a day, it might mean I didn't get it, so please email me again to make sure. You can also bring a paper copy of the essay to my office, but let's be kind to the trees, OK? Email is better for the trees and for me.

In Washington v. Commonwealth of Virginia, a defendant was found guilty by jury of murder and rape of a nineteen (19) year old woman. 323 S.E.2d 577 (Va. 1984). He was later sentenced to death. He gave a statement to police that he had raped the victim, stabbed her, and told the officers that he left his shirt at the scene of the crime because it had bloodstains on it. While not recorded, a statement was signed. At trial, the defendant denied the statement and maintained he was tricked into signing it.

"It's been a really difficult almost two years now for our flight attendants, it's just been one hit after another and they are mentally and physically exhausted at times," he told NPR, noting that he and his colleagues continue to face a high number of incidents of verbal and physical abuse on flights.

After college, the Hartshorns had settled into family life when William told Gloria he wanted to return to the military during the Korean conflict. He intended to fly again, but ended up as a radar controller.

"I called Hahn Airways to ask them if they were in fact the same cancelled flight, and they were adamant that they were not," she told INSIDER. "They said there was no way that I could know that one of their flights was cancelled before they did."

Hartshorn Jr. had been drinking on the night of Feb. 9, according to court documents. He told police that the baby was acting strangely earlier in the night and he noticed a partially dissolved 50-miligram sleeping aid in her bottle, but instead of calling for help, he sent the baby's mother a message on Facebook, according to court records.

When Hartshorn told Barber the baby would not stop crying, she told him "no more 'specials' tonight," according to police records. Then he said he could not remember if he gave the baby anything after that.

Thanks to these preparatory labours, he failed completely in his examination for an ordinary degree. He was expected home the same night to celebrate his success. He started on foot, stopped at the beginning of the village, sent for his mother, and told her all. She excused him, threw the blame of his failure on the injustice of the examiners, encouraged him a little, and took upon herself to set matters straight. It was only five years later that Monsieur Bovary knew the truth; it was old then, and he accepted it. Moreover, he could not believe that a man born of him could be a fool.

Thinking it his duty to heap the greatest attention upon the doctor because of his sad position, he begged him not to take his hat off, spoke to him in an undertone as if he had been ill, and even pretended to be angry because nothing rather lighter had been prepared for him than for the others, such as a little clotted cream or stewed pears. He told stories. Charles found himself laughing, but the remembrance of his wife suddenly coming back to him depressed him. Coffee was brought in; he thought no more about her.

An Yvetot doctor whom he had lately met in consultation had somewhat humiliated him at the very bedside of the patient, before the assembled relatives. When, in the evening, Charles told her this anecdote, Emma inveighed loudly against his colleague. Charles was much touched. He kissed her forehead with a tear in his eyes. But she was angered with shame; she felt a wild desire to strike him; she went to open the window in the passage and breathed in the fresh air to calm herself.

Emma had wept, grown angry; she had accused Charles of this misfortune. Monsieur Lheureux, a draper, who happened to be in the coach with her, had tried to console her by a number of examples of lost dogs recognizing their masters at the end of long years. One, he said had been told of, who had come back to Paris from Constantinople. Another had gone one hundred and fifty miles in a straight line, and swum four rivers; and his own father had possessed a poodle, which, after twelve years of absence, had all of a sudden jumped on his back in the street as he was going to dine in town.

The poor devil promised. The cure came back day after day. He chatted with the landlady; and even told anecdotes interspersed with jokes and puns that Hippolyte did not understand. Then, as soon as he could, he fell back upon matters of religion, putting on an appropriate expression of face.

He pretended he had been guided towards her by chance, by, instinct. She began to smile; and at once, to repair his folly, Léon told her that he had spent his morning in looking for her in all the hotels in the town one after the other.

He showed her the letter in which his mother told the event without any sentimental hypocrisy. She only regretted her husband had not received the consolations of religion, as he had died at Daudeville, in the street, at the door of a cafe after a patriotic dinner with some ex-officers.

One day, as they were talking philosophically of earthly disillusions, to experiment on his jealousy, or yielding, perhaps, to an over-strong need to pour out her heart, she told him that formerly, before him, she had loved someone.

If she had not told him about this bill, it was only to spare him such domestic worries; she sat on his knees, caressed him, cooed to him, gave him a long enumeration of all the indispensable things that had been got on credit.

And all the while he was walking through the streets with him he talked of his wife, his children; of their future, and of his business; told him in what a decayed condition it had formerly been, and to what a degree of perfection he had raised it.

She slipped away suddenly, threw off her costume, told Léon she must get back, and at last was alone at the Hotel de Boulogne. Everything, even herself, was now unbearable to her. She wished that, taking wing like a bird, she could fly somewhere, far away to regions of purity, and there grow young again.

He said to himself that no doubt they would save her; the doctors would discover some remedy surely. He remembered all the miraculous cures he had been told about. Then she appeared to him dead. She was there; before his eyes, lying on her back in the middle of the road. He reined up, and the hallucination disappeared.

Steffens then wrote "Philadelphia: Corrupt and Contented", published in July 1903. Philadelphia, Steffens argues, is an important case for Americans to study, since its corruption in 1903 existed even after the city had reformed and adopted a new city charter in 1885. The Philadelphia machine, Steffens reports, "controls the whole process of voting, and practices fraud at every stage". He documents the abuses of Mayor Samuel H. Ashbridge, who, after he took office, allegedly told the city postmaster, "I shall get out of this office all there is in it for Samuel H. Ashbridge". Steffens notes at the end of this article that the city's new mayor, John Weaver, appears to be a good mayor: he had killed "macing" bills in the state legislature that would have allowed machine-connected companies to buy control of city water and power services. But, Steffens asks readers, "Why should he serve the people and not the ring?"[24]

Good afternoon, brothers and sisters. It is a privilege to be here today, to speak to you. I pray for the Spirit to be with us as I try to convey my message, and also that our hearts will be opened to receiving it and in the spirit in which I am intending to deliver it. Today, I would like to address a particular topic that we often hear about, but perhaps there are elements of it that we don't consider. I wish to speak about the topic of integrity. When you think about integrity, what comes to your mind? The Merriam-Webster dictionary (Webster being a very distant relation to myself, I might add), defines it as (1) a firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values, (2) an unimpaired condition, or (3) the quality or state of being complete or undivided.[i] Embedded in the overarching topic of integrity are foundational subtopics that are so interconnected that it would be impossible to ignore them. I am talking about topics such as honesty, obedience, commitment, and loyalty. To illustrate an element of my topic today, I would like to share an experience that I had many years ago as a young man serving in the military. I enlisted when I was 17 years old, right out of high school. I was so young I only had to shave maybe once a week. Looking back 30 years I can say that during that time, I had many experiences that were formative in shaping my future. One such experience took place while I served as a crew member on an M109 self-propelled howitzer. Essentially, it is a large cannon on tracks. The primary purpose for that piece of equipment is meant to be very destructive, and it is.[ii] Perhaps there are those of you who have served in field artillery who can relate to this experience. I was used to being on the sending end of an unforgiving kind of business, where we would fire high-explosive rounds that weighed approximately 100 pounds to the distance of anywhere from only a few hundred yards to many miles away. The distance the shell was sent was determined by many factors. The first factor consisted of the amount of gunpowder that was placed behind the shell in the barrel, or the "tube," as we called it. The powder would come premeasured and in large bags that were placed in canisters. Each canister had the same number of bags in it, but we were instructed as to how many we should use for a particular firing mission. The angle of the tube had a major effect on the distance. Those of you who may be physics majors would likely know something about this. We had to consider factors relating to the weather, such as wind, rain, as well as how smoothly the shell would fly through the air (whether it would catch and tumble or spin). Any type of friction could throw it off target. Again, mistakes could be very unforgiving. When we were given the order to fire a round someplace, we were also instructed to adjust the "gun," as it was called, either right or left or up and down a certain number of millimeters; and then, when told to do so, we simply pulled a string called a lanyard, there would be a loud boom, the ground would become unstable under our feet, and we would wait for further orders. What's the harm in pulling a little string, one might ask, or being off target one millimeter? One day I had the opportunity to observe where the rounds would hit. We drove to the side of a mountain where the forward observers were located. They were the soldiers whose job it was to observe where the explosives hit and then relay information back to the gun line and instruct us how and where to adjust our firing. Interestingly, we were far more accurate at hitting the targets that we could not see as opposed to those that we could see, because of the help of the observers who would direct our fire. Brothers and sisters, I had never seen the "other end" of what we were doing back at the gun line. That was my first exposure to that part of the experience. We have all seen similar things on television, movies, and in pictures, but nothing can describe the sights, sounds, and smells. The unique burning-sulfur aroma of the gunpowder is something I will never forget. The destructive power is difficult to describe, especially if you can imagine as many as 24 rounds being shot simultaneously into an area. We needed to do our job correctly, paying attention to detail and listening for proper feedback. Another vantage point gave me a very different perspective about the work that we were involved in, and it intensified my own efforts to improve. I have thought about that experience many times over the years. How often are we involved in thinking about or doing something yet not really giving it much thought as to the consequences of our decisions or the impact that it may have on ourselves or someone else? What are the forces or who are the people in our lives that impact our thoughts and subsequent behaviors? Are the things that we think about congruent, or synonymous, with our actions? The author Leon R. Hartshorn once said that "a man's true greatness is not in what he says he is, nor in what people say he is; but really, in what he really is."[iii] My question for you is "Who are you, really?" Recently I posed the question on I-Learn: "Can you foresee a time in the future when your children ask you pointed questions about your life as a young adult? Will you be able to answer them with honesty and gratitude for the choices that you are making now? What experiences will you tell them about? I noticed some great comments on the discussion board. I have asked two of your fellow classmates, Aubrey Calvert and Stefano Cena, to join me on the stand to share their remarks. WEBSTER: Aubrey, where are you from, and what is your major? CALVERT: I'm from Vancouver, Canada, and my major is elementary education. WEBSTER: Very good. Would you please share your thoughts that you posted on I-Learn? CALVERT: I really appreciated this opportunity to answer the question, because it made me reflect a lot on the way that I was raised by my own parents. And I definitely have made mistakes in my life that I may not be proud of, but I've learned from them. The most important thing that my parents taught me, that I would want to teach my children, is about the Atonement of Jesus Christ, that it's real and that it works. It makes up for your weaknesses. And thinking about that and how I want to be that example to my children makes me want to make righteous decisions today that I can be proud of in the future. WEBSTER: Was it difficult to think about the questions that I posed? Was it a difficult thing to go inward and think about? CALVERT: Maybe looking back at some of the mistakes I made might have been a little hard, but it also reminded me of how the Atonement has worked in my life, so it was actually really rewarding. WEBSTER: Very good. Thank you so much for participating. Now let's have Stefano Cena join me on the stand. Stefano, where are you from, and what is your major? CENA: I'm from Torino, Italy, and my major is human biology. WEBSTER: Very good. I enjoyed your response to the question I posed on I-Learn. Would you mind sharing your response? CENA: Sure. To answer the question, I reflected back on when I was on my mission. Both my parents are converts to the Church and did not serve a mission. So while serving as a mission, I asked myself, what kind of missionary would I want my children to one day be? And that really changed my attitude toward missionary service. WEBSTER: And as you've thought about some of those experiences versus the experiences that you had growing up, how might that look for you in the future with your own family, your own children? CENA: I really hope that one day I'll be able to share with them also the mistakes that I made so that they will benefit from it and not have to do those as well, as well as the good choices that I've made. And they'll be able to learn from those. WEBSTER: Was it a difficult thing that I asked you to consider? CENA: For sure, it is. WEBSTER: Very good. That's good. That helps you grow, right? CENA: It does. WEBSTER: Thank you for participating. From this experience, I wanted to get you thinking about the connectivity between your decisions now and how they may affect you and your family in the future. I hope that you have been able to do some introspection as you have pondered my questions. The Lord expects us to live lives of integrity and to be obedient to His commandments. As members of the Church, we have so much to be grateful for. In the Doctrine and Covenants it states, "For of him unto whom much is given much is required."[iv] The gospel of Jesus Christ provides us with many blessings, but those blessings demand our personal effort and often involve risks. Perhaps it involves doing the "right" thing, or standing up for what you know is right, even when you are unlikely to benefit positively from the decision to make or do the "right" thing. We have been warned, "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is a sin."[v] Perhaps this involves the topic of apathy, a topic mentioned by Elder Gavarret two weeks ago, where we are indifferent to important things that are going on around us and we simply look the other way. We live in a world with shifting values. We don't have to look very far to see how the standards of the world have shifted markedly over just the past few years. Truly, if there were ever a time for us to stand strong in our commitment to exercise integrity, wouldn't it be now? Like many of you, I have known many individuals in my life who possess high integrity. The attribute that makes them remarkable is that they are not afraid to be "authentic," if you will, with regard to how they live their lives. Who and what they proclaim to be is who they are when no one else is watching. I know that life can be challenging at times. President Boyd K. Packer has taught us that we are living in enemy territory, and, in a sense, we are living in a war zone between good and evil.[vi] On the surface, it may seem like a fairly manageable task to be honest or have high integrity, but is it really? I'm referring to times when it seems like a reasonable option to overlook temporarily or even compromise our standards to achieve what we may consider to be a worthy goal--sort of the means-to-an-end scenario. Interestingly enough, I have many such conversations with students here on this campus, as well as around the world. One might ask, what is the application to my situation in the here and now? Perhaps as a student, you have been under some kind of deadline to complete an assignment. Your friend, who has taken the same class in a


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